Hi! I'm Dominika

I'm here to help shepherd you through your book's journey to publication!

My mission is to guide you and your manuscript through the publishing and marketing process so your story doesn’t just land softly in the world, but rather, bursts through the skies, touching souls and sparking fires. This journey, your journey, is about more than just writing a book; it's about birthing a piece of your heart into existence and letting it dance in the light of day. I'm here, with arms wide open, ready to walk beside you, cheer you on, and lift you over every hurdle. Together, we'll turn your dream into a tangible reality that echoes in the lives it touches, because your voice, your story, deserves to be heard, felt, and celebrated.

Let's make magic happen! 

quick start quide

Here are 5 things you need to self-publish your book!

Unleash Your Voice. Tell Your Story.

Be Courageous.

Life is an intricately woven tapestry of stories, each thread signifying a moment, a feeling, an experience. Every story is a spark of life, rich with potential. Your stories have the power to inspire, provoke thought, connect souls, and bring about change. But first, they must be told.

Self- Publishing your book can be overwhelming. I've got you!



Publish your book?

Create a marketing strategy that works to sell your book?

Launch your book like a pro?

If so, I’d love to be your book coach.

I am passionate about helping authors get their books published successfully. There is nothing quite like supporting another author through the publication and launch process. The joy of seeing your book out in the world is something that should be felt by everyone who has a story in them.

Working with me, you’ll have my experience, guidance, and the resources you need to get your book published. You’ll also have a framework to find readers, and a foundation to do it over and over again. I’ll be by your side at every step to help you navigate the world of self-publishing with ease.


I will help you through each step of the publishing process to get your book launched into the world. The publishing world is changing every day, and that’s never been more true for indie authors. As your personal coach, I will guide you though the myriad choices you have in publishing, marketing, social media, advertising, and more.

Book Coaching for Self-Publishing

Book coaching for self-publishing is a 2 month, personalized program that includes weekly, one-on-one coaching sessions through the zoom platform, weekly homework, unlimited email support, and unlimited Voxer support as we work together. 

Price: $2000 US

Click APPLY NOW to book your free 30 min consultation.

My mission is to help authors take control over their work and succeed in publishing. Self-publishing can be overwhelming with all the new programs, marketing strategies, and latest trends. With my guidance and support, your publishing experience can be joyful, abundant, creative and fufilling.

About Dominika

Dominika Best is an author, book coach, podcaster, and filmmaker. 

Dominika lives in sunny Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. When she’s not reading or writing, you can find her chasing after her daughter, gardening, and heading to the beach. 

Dominika is passionate about helping other creators find their voices and put their stories out into the world. Dominika wants to inspire you to take that leap of faith and share your brilliance! 
